[EMCT] EMCT Master Class: John Chowning + Computer Music Concert with Maureen Chowning

xname xname at xname.cc
Thu Mar 6 18:47:58 CET 2025

EMCT in collaboration with Nebularosa, Atau Tanaka and IKLECTIK, is 
proud to present:

EMCT Master Class: John Chowning + Computer Music Concert with Maureen 

EMCT MASTER CLASSES offer a fresh perspective on electronic music 
inviting composers, scientists, artists, technologists and wizards at 
the forefront of electronic music, computing and technology, originally 
ideated for the Electronic Music, Computing and Technology BMus and BSC 
programme at Goldsmiths, University of London, Computing and Music 

For the seventh edition we have invited the godfather of electronic 
music (or digital pop, as defined by the Guardian in October 2024), 
Professor John Chowning, artist, scientist, musician and inventor of FM 
synthesis, Chowning is the also the founder of the Center for Computer 
Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), Stamford University. For this 
edition the lecture will be followed by a concert featuring a 
spatialisation of some of the most iconic compositions of the master 
accompanied live by the mesmerising voice of coloratura soprano Maureen 
Chowning. An experience not to be missed!

Monday 10 March 2025 - Sonic Immersive Medialab (SIML/G05)
St James Hatcham Church, Goldsmiths, University of London
New Cross Gate, SE14 6NW London

Lecture: 5pm - 6pm
Concert: 7:30pm

Free for Goldsmiths students (first come first served)
Limited tickets: £5

John Chowning was born in Salem, New Jersey in 1934. Following military 
service and studies at Wittenberg University, he studied composition in 
Paris for three years with Nadia Boulanger.  In 1964, with the help of 
Max Mathews then at Bell Telephone Laboratories and David Poole of 
Stanford, he set up a computer music program using the computer system 
of Stanford University's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.   He then 
began the research leading to the first sound spatialisation algorithm 
implemented in a quad format.   In 1967 he discovered the frequency 
modulation algorithm that was later licensed to YAMAHA, leading to the 
most successful synthesis engine in the history of electronic 
    His four early pieces, Sabelithe (1971), Turenas (1972), Stria (1977) 
and Phoné (1981), make use of his spatialization and FM synthesis 
algorithms.  After more than twenty years of hearing problems, Chowning 
was able to compose again beginning in 2004, when he began work on 
Voices, for solo soprano and interactive computer.
        Chowning was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 
in 1988 and awarded the Honorary Doctor of Music by Wittenberg 
University in 1990.  The French Ministre de la Culture awarded him the 
Diplôme d’Officier dans l’Ordre des Arts et Lettres in 1995. He was 
given the Doctorat Honoris Causa in 2002 by the Université de la 
Méditerranée, by Queen’s University in 2010, and Hamburg University in 
2016.  In 1974, with John Grey, James (Andy) Moorer, Loren Rush and 
Leland Smith, he founded the Center for Computer Research in Music and 
Acoustics (CCRMA), which remains one of the leading centres for computer 
music and related research.


Maureen Chowning, coloratura soprano, studied at the Boston Conservatory 
of Music before moving to the San Francisco area.  She has since 
appeared on the Public Broadcasting System’s NOVA series and Smithsonian 
World with Max Mathews, demonstrating his Radio Baton and conductor 
program.  She has also performed in Canada, Poland, and Japan and at the 
International Electronic Music Festival at Bourges, France, where in 
1990 she gave the world premiere of Solemn Songs for Evening by Richard 
Boulanger and of Sea Songs by Dexter Morrill in 1997. She performed Sea 
Songs in celebration of Max Mathews ‘50th anniversary of Computer Music 
at the Computer History Museum in 2007.
        In 2005 she gave the world premiere of Voices (v.1) at the Maison 
de Radio in Paris , commissioned by GRM.  In March 2006 she performed 
the US premiere of  Voices (v.2) as part of the Berkeley Symphony 
Concert series. Then in September 2006 she performed Voices and 
Jean-Claude Risset’s “Oscura” for soprano and computer in Buenos Aires 
and Montevideo followed by performances at U. of Florida and the San 
Francisco Electronic Music Festival.   She performed Voices (v.3) at the 
University of Washington in April 2011, then at MIT, Brown, Eastman 
Rochester, and Yale Universities and in Beijing in 2011 and Taipei in 


The EMCT Master Class series is curated by Eleonora Oreggia, founder of 
Nebularosa and head of the Electronic Music, Computing and Technology 
BMus/BSc at Goldsmiths, University of London. Nebularosa is a record 
label publishing experimental noise, techno, industrial and algorithmic 
electronic music that challenges the established modes of music 

This event is co-produced with Prof Atau Tanaka’s research project, 
Hybrid Venue in collaboration with IKLECTIK Art Labs. The project has 
received funding support from the Arts & Humanities Research Council 
(AHRC), grant reference AH/Y006054/1.

IKLECTIK is a non-profit organisation based in London, founded in 2014. 
It focuses on fostering experimentation in sound, art, new media, and 
emerging technologies. IKLECTIK organises events, workshops, 
residencies, talks aiming to explore processes and techniques while 
addressing social, political, and cultural issues. It has hosted over 
3000 artists in live performances, festivals, and fundraisers.


phantasmata and illusions

@xnaam @oracle666
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