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<p>Extinction Rebellion in Norway is considering to include Yara in
a campaign and they wanted to have some info about the company.
Attached you find the file I have sent them. In case you have some
important info to add, go for it.</p>
<p>grtz, Flip<br>
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-------- Doorgestuurd bericht --------
<table class="moz-email-headers-table" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" border="0">
<th valign="BASELINE" nowrap="nowrap" align="RIGHT">Onderwerp:
<td>Yara in Brazil</td>
<th valign="BASELINE" nowrap="nowrap" align="RIGHT">Datum: </th>
<td>Mon, 2 Sep 2019 11:23:37 +0200</td>
<th valign="BASELINE" nowrap="nowrap" align="RIGHT">Van: </th>
<td>Flip <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:flippi@xs4all.nl"><flippi@xs4all.nl></a></td>
<th valign="BASELINE" nowrap="nowrap" align="RIGHT">Antwoord-naar:
<td><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:flippi@xs4all.nl">flippi@xs4all.nl</a></td>
<th valign="BASELINE" nowrap="nowrap" align="RIGHT">Aan: </th>
<td><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:vjolla.emiri@protonmail.com">vjolla.emiri@protonmail.com</a></td>
<th valign="BASELINE" nowrap="nowrap" align="RIGHT">CC: </th>
<td>Marie xXx <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:mariedk@riseup.net"><mariedk@riseup.net></a></td>
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<p>Hi Vjolla,</p>
<p>Marie from Free the Soil told me that you are considering to
include Yara in an action or campaign about the Amazone.
Attached you can find some info about Yara's activities in
Brazil. Obviously Brazil is not the same as the Amazone rain
forest, but many other areas in Brazil are of high natural value
as well. <br>
<p>The document with the info I found is attached. The intro I
pasted in this text as well. If you have some questions, don't
hesitate to ask them.<br>
<p>Good luck with your campaign and hopefully some of you can
visit the action camp in Brunsbüttel later this month!</p>
<p>Greetings, Flip <br>
<p> </p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%" lang="en-GB"><b>Yara
& Brazil <br>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%"><font
face="Liberation Serif, serif"><span lang="en-GB">Yara is one
of the main producers and distributors of synthetic
fertilizers in Brazil. </span><span lang="en-GB">They
aren’t the largest in that country though. In their Annual
Report of 2018 Mozaic claims to be the biggest: </span><span
lang="en-GB"><i>“</i></span><font style="font-size: 12pt"
size="3"><i>On January 8, 2018, we completed our acquisition
of Vale Fertilizantes S.A. Upon completion of the </i></font><font
style="font-size: 12pt" size="3"><i>a</i></font><font
style="font-size: 12pt" size="3"><i>cquisition, we became
the leading fertilizer producer and distributor in
Brazil.”</i></font><font style="font-size: 12pt" size="3">
</font><font style="font-size: 12pt" size="3">In another list
it looks like Grupo Fertipar is the largest in Brazil. This
is a group of 12 Brazilian companies. </font></font> </p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%"><font
face="Liberation Serif, serif"><span lang="en-GB">Yara seems
to be third in the row. Still there are good reasons to
include Yara in a campaign. It is the largest producer and
seller of <b>nitrogen fertilizer</b>, probably as well in
Brazil. Nitrogen fertilizers (</span><span lang="en-GB">for
example </span><span lang="en-GB">urea, amm</span><span
lang="en-GB">o</span><span lang="en-GB">nia, </span><span
lang="en-GB">nitrates, NPK, UAN</span><span lang="en-GB">)
are </span><span lang="en-GB">the most relevant concerning
climate change;</span><span lang="en-GB"> a lot of fossil
gas is used for the production and also the use results in
huge emissions of greenhouse gasses. </span></font> </p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%"><font
face="Liberation Serif, serif"><span lang="en-GB">And in
Europe, and especially in Norway, it makes more sense to
focus on Yara than on companies based in Brazil or the US. </span></font>
<style type="text/css">p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 115%; }</style></p>